Taylor Swift nude robot
Image Credit: Taylor Swift Instagram

Taylor Swift reveals naked robot Taylor Swift

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You might remember hearing about Taylor Swift revealing a naked robot version of herself. If you don’t, welcome to the world! And if you do remember hearing about Taylor Swift’s nude robot, but don’t really recall what it was all about, let this be your one-stop-shop for all things T.Swift’s birthday-suited robot. 

Sorry, Did You Say “Taylor Swift’s Nude Robot?”

Yup, we did. In 2017, Taylor Swift released her music video for the song “…Ready For It?” The cyberpunk-ified video seemed to be inspired by the live-action adaptation of Ghost in the Shell (starring Scarlett Johansson), complete with sci-fi dystopian grit. 

The video—which was directed by Joseph Kahn—starts out normal enough. A hooded Swift is seen walking through an alleyway. It’s a dark, sci-fi, futuristic aesthetic with graffiti, garbage, and ghostly robots. The “Reputation” singer makes her way past several cyborg security guards until she reaches a door with a pin pad. She enters the code and the door opens to reveal a room where a cyborg clone of Swift is waiting in a glass cell. The cyborg clone wears a bodysuit, but appears nearly naked, and her light color stands in stark contrast to the dark, cloaked Swift on the outside of the cell. 

Hooded Swift watches the cyborg Swift as she transforms: she becomes adorned in futuristic armor, she sits atop a horse, she shoots lightning bolts from her hands—she’s a triple threat! After the short-lived standoff, the cyborg Swift shatters the glass cell walls, the shards of which cut hooded Swift’s face to reveal that she has been a cyborg this whole time as well! The guards try to intervene, but the “nude robot” Swift gets away and is seen ascending an escalator.

Reception of Taylor Swift’s Naked Robot

Swift is nothing if not divisive, and her “…Ready For It?” music video and nude robot were no exception. Some fans-turned-critics were pretty disappointed, with one woman stating that she planned to burn her Reputation Tour tickets after seeing the video and deeming Swift a bad role model for her daughter.

As for the meaning of the music video itself, the bonkers video had fans wildly guessing. Swift herself even took to Tumblr to “like” a few posts where fans tried to interpret what the music video might be about. A popular theory was that the dark cyborg Swift represented the media’s version of Swift (“evil,” seen as a “snake”) and the nude bodysuit Swift is the authentic version, who destroys the dark one and prevails in the end. 

Is Taylor’s Nude Robot a Response to Kanye West?

Meanwhile, others have speculated that the nude bodysuit that adorns Taylor in the music video is a response to Kanye West’s (aka, Ye) “Famous” music video, which was released in 2016. In the video, a naked look-alike wax figure of Swift is in bed next to West along with other nude figures including Donald Trump, Amber Rose, Chris Brown, Caitlyn Jenner, and his then-wife Kim Kardashian. 

“Famous” features the lyrics, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex… Why? I made that b*tch famous,” which references the notorious moment at the 2009 VMA’s when West interrupted Swift’s acceptance speech. West claimed to have gotten approval from Swift to use the lyrics, which Swift denied, but Kim released recordings on Snapchat that seemed to be evidence of Swift giving the go-ahead for the “might still have sex” line—but not the line where she’s called “that b*tch.”

A user on the site formerly known as Twitter wrote, “The famous music video was straight up revenge porn. Not to mention putting abuse victims next to their abusers and celebrating sexual assaulters. It was disgusting and he doesn’t get enough crap for it.” The tweet was screenshot and shared on Instagram where Ms. Swift herself liked it, which many took as meaning she agreed with the statement. 

So, given that history, Swift’s nude robot in the “…Ready For It?” music video could be seen as a commentary on consent, with Taylor taking ownership over what’s rightly hers: her body. 

But ultimately, the view count says everything. “Famous” has 59 million views on YouTube while “…Ready For It?” sits at 343 million views. Safe to say Taylor won that battle. 

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